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Our Veggie Kitchen Reboot!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Good Morning Everyone. I'm going to start up Our Veggie Kitchen again.

It's been a long time since I've posted.  And my wife and I have done a lot since I was active.  we both got new jobs. I became a consummate workaholic.  We bought a new house, had two kids finish high school ... one of them even left.  Basically, life got busy.  One thing that hasn't changed is my love for creating food.  And I've got lots of ideas to share.  I've played with a variety of sauces using rejuvelac.  My wife has built a repertoire of herbal teas, and still baking all the vegan goodies.  I've become obsessed with Thai food!  I'm still obsessed with Indian food.

Additionally, we've become more interested in urban gardening.  we took our first great leap this spring ... I'm turning my front yard into an irrigated, raised bed garden and we've got big plans in the back as well.  If there is an interest I may pepper in some stories of an accountant-type DIYer figures out what to do (often by trying what not to do first).

We would love to hear from you!  We are very interested in finding out who is still following or getting updates from elsewhere, how you found this post (if not following), what you're interested in or what you'd like to see.  So, leave a comment and keep an eye out for future posts.



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1 Responses to Our Veggie Kitchen Reboot!

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Welcome back! I've been a fan since way back when, and I'd checked in periodically in the past to see if there was anything new to see. And ta-da! A whole bunch of awesome new content! Looks great, and I can't wait to see what cool stuff you have in store.


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